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Indo Scots Global School is located in the heart of Thane City. The school was established in the year 2014-2015 under the umbrella of Peoples’ Education Society’s Trust. It is a CBSE Affiliated School. The school campus is spread over 5,308 sq. mts area with a built up area of sq. mts., that extends upto 6 floors. It has a play ground with the turf and Cricket Pitch. For toddlers, we have play area and fun house.

Teaching and learning activities are carried out in spacious, colorful, A.C. classrooms coupled with digital support

Co-Scholastics curriculum also includes Coding and Robotics by irobokid and improvement of reading skills by The Karadi Path -- The Education Company -- ''Learning through discovery''.

Among other spaces we have a state -of- the- art Library inaugurated by Shri Anand Kumar, Reading Room, Multi-Purpose Hall, Science & Math Laboratories, Sick Bay managed by Jupiter Hospital, Computer Lab.

Director’s Message

“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference”.

I have always pondered over this statement and have realized that it is education that empowers you with the right tools to bring about that difference. However education is not just about the subjects that are taught and learnt in school. And becoming educated is not just passing the grades one after the other or accumulation of degrees and certificates. They say, ‘Never stop learning as life never stops teaching’. We at Indo Scots Global School, Thane, strive to make our students lifelong learners.
In our endeavor to achieve this goal, both school and home in partnership make collaborative efforts to mold each child. Children are like wet cement whatever falls on them makes an impression. Hence utmost care is taken at our end to appoint facilitators who are compassionate and qualified to kindle the light as it is rightly said by W.B. Yeats, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”. They emulate by the school motto: “Ignited Minds Carved to Perfection”.
Aristotle has said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education”. Keeping this in mind even as we imbibe modern pedagogies, practices and technology in education, enough care is taken to inculcate right principles, ethics and moral values.
On the bedrock of our core principles and values we will continue to scale upwards in the coming years to build an international school of repute in the heart of the Thane city.


Our vision is to facilitate a learning environment where the individual success of each and every teacher is celebrated. By promoting an international standard of educational excellence and by ensuring equal opportunities to each individual to bloom, we mold our learners into successful, effective and skillful individuals.


Our mission is to stimulate the intellectual, physical, emotional, moral and social development of each learner so that they reach their full potential through hard work and sincerity. We strive to provide a perfect blend of support and challenges in a simulated environment so as to prepare them for real life situations.

Four Pillars

At the Indo-Scots Global School, we believe education plays a vital role in empowering young people to wrest control of their lives. Hence, we aspire to lay a strong foundation by building our school around four pillars with intent to create a memorable educational journey and outcome for our learners.


We believe that having great infrastructure is a decisive factor for learners looking to achieve the desired results – whether it’s academic or sports – related. Children usually tend to have a limited or short attention span which is why it’s important to grab their attention in order to keep them captivated. By having our rooms and learning spaces fitted with the right quality of acoustics and lighting, we seek to latch on to a child’s attention and thereon, improve the overall interest of our learners towards learning. Most importantly, we look towards providing an all-inclusive, safe, compassionate, and caring environment where all our learners are encouraged to develop their interests into passions.

At the Indo-Scots Global School, we are proud to proclaim that there’s no shortage of sporting facilities. Our institution models an immaculate blend of modern and traditional infrastructure while also having superlative playground and state-of-the-art sporting facilities in place that aids in modeling the overall development of a child. We believe that in this day and age, having top-notch sporting infrastructure is a pre-requisite as it plays a crucial role in shaping the personality of a child and boosting his/her chances of achieving excellence in the global arena of sports. By facilitating a home-away-from-home, we are proud to state that we are able to give our learners a safe and supportive living environment at all times.


Every learner comes to us with unique gifts and strengths and hence, no matter what their talent or ability, we take it upon ourselves to ensure that they get the opportunity to develop in the way which is important to them. Our academic and support staff take a riveting and value each of our learner’s unique personality. We seek to go beyond the traditional role of academia by creating a customized plan and pathway for each one of our learners so that they can work on enhancing their strengths, acknowledging their weaknesses, and igniting their passions in real-world contexts. Our exhaustive curriculum offers a collaborative, diverse, exciting, nurturing, and meaningful set of opportunities that can help them become self-managed and independent thinkers.

By making use of real-life examples and challenging learners to immediately practice what they have learned in class. We implement a systematic approach towards teaching. This lays the platform they need during critical early moment of life which, in turn, helps in building a strong foundation for their emotional, social, physical and mental development. A child’s brain is like a sponge- wherein he/she has capacity to soak in information owing to the brain developing at a rapid pace during that stage. This gives them the ability, along with the impetus, to grasp nearly anything and everything thrown in their direction. By making concepts easier to comprehend through dynamic story-telling and spectacular audio-visuals in a stimulating learning environment, we ensure that their minds are correctly aligned to grasp the various concepts introduced to them.


All of us are gauged by the sort of individuals we eventually become. At the Indo-Scots Global School, our intent is to encourage brave hearts and foster bold minds in each and every learner through the various set of challenges put forth by our teaching faculty. In keeping with our aspiration to provide an education that meets an international standard, our teachers believe in imbibing ‘useful learning’ which guides our teaching process and governs the way we work with our learners. We strive to equip our learners with the right skillset including knowledge, confidence, and maturity so that they can make the most of their abilities for life beyond the school.

It is also vital that our learners are adaptable in today’s ever-changing world and keeping that in mind, our teaching faculty leaves no stone unturned when it comes to offering the highest education standard while promoting an international mindedness along with a positive approach to classroom learning. Our innovating and purposeful academic and support staff is our greatest asset and they work tirelessly round-the-clock in order to produce outstanding outcomes for our learners. Through our teachers and their unparalleled methods, our teachers become independent thinkers, skilled researchers, creative and critical personalities, confident problem solvers, and most importantly, cooperative and accomplished citizens of the society.


At the Indo-Scots Global School, we are 100 percent committed to developing differentiated pathways right from the get-go. We do this intentionally so as to enable our young and inquisitive learners to have a variety of pathways at their disposal which will allow them to express and develop their innate talents and gifts without any boundaries. Hence, our assessment methods help in uncovering a child’s true potential and determine where his/her true talents, abilities, values, and interests lie.

We believe that a child’s confidence level is the key to unlocking his ability to think and reason. By providing them with the right care and guidance especially in the formative years, we can help develop their ability to think on their own so that they are in a better position to comprehend and make sense of the cluttered world we live in. We also provide the right advice, direction, and assistance to help our learners acquire new knowledge and skills which will encourage them to move forward in their educational or professional careers. We wish our learners evolve into motivated, disciplined and well-grounded individuals equipped with a solid sense of integrity, values, and character so that they go on to leading a rich and fulfilling life.

Our Pathway to Success

We consider ourselves fortunate to have on-board, excellent and dedicated staff, which works hard to support and encourage our learners. We adopt a unique approach to teaching- Our learners find a mother in every teacher who teaches them to be kind, gracious, strong, and independent citizens of the society. Our experienced and well qualified teachers ensure that their talents are properly honed which will assist in the development of character and self-belief.

Individuality is a trait which needs to be celebrated and not curtailed. If there is a particular talent that runs in a family’s gene-pool and a child showcases a genetic predisposition to excel in that field, we help nurture that talent to truly unlock a child’s potential. Our teaching staff also provides encouragement and appropriate guidance to the child so that he/she embraces his own individuality and carves a niche for him/herself.

By making our learners understand appropriate concepts and processes, they will be able to apply knowledge and skill by thinking and acting confidently, imaginatively, creatively and with sensitivity. Our ultimate aim is to create well-rounded, culturally adjusted learners who can adapt quickly, positively, and appropriately to changing circumstances around them. Our team works with both our learners and parents with intent to create a dynamic and progressive community and we invite you to be a part of our memorable journey.

Pre Primary

The inquiry-based approach of our pre-primary curriculum in introduced from 3 years onwards in order to educate bright, inquiring minds and to ignite their curiosity for success in primary school. This is the foremost and highly imperative aspect of the Indo Scots continuum.

Our Learning Hands is a learning model wherein different strands of education join together to present a complete and valuable learning experience for children. Varied yet interconnected curriculum components offer unique inputs to preschoolers and help them reach developmental milestone effortlessly in a systematic manner. The curious nature of children is led to exciting discoveries and age-appropriate pedagogical awareness that prepare them for success in the journey of their life. The components of the curriculum are interlinked and interconnected with appropriate facilities.

It’s imperative that the right setting is provided to the young learners as we believe that it’s a key part of a successful foundation that inspires the child in preparation for a lifelong learning adventure. By providing the right set of opportunities along with the apt learning spaces, our young learners will be able to learn, to grow and explore possible worlds through their imaginations.

Our bespoke environment is innovative, creative and most importantly, purpose-built for them. The spaces are flooded with natural light and air-conditioned replicating a home-from-home environment that is airy and cheerful. Moreover, we have several open spaces for our young learners to explore and play freely which are designed to engage and delight.

Primary Section

The primary curriculum at Indo-Scots Global School is learner-centric with strong focus on promoting independent and lifelong learning. Recognized as the second part of the Indo-Scots continuum, our primary curriculum presents itself as a progressive and at the same time within the child-centric educational framework.

The primary years are undoubtedly an exciting stage of your child’s academic journey, as this is essentially a stage wherein they start discovering their individual strengths, passions, and underlying interests. Keeping that in mind, through our structured schooling program, we aim to encourage our learners to pursue their passion-whether in academics, sports, arts, or culture-and set on a journey towards personal accomplishments.

The Primary curriculum challenges our learners to not just explore traditional disciplines to its depth but also encourages a trans-disciplinary perspective to learning. The curriculum initiates inquiry based learning and open-mindedness to help children enhance their natural curiosity and confidence.

Secondary Section

Our secondary curriculum at Indo Scots Global School provides a program to ensure that each learner is able to choose a career of his/ her choice at the end of the schooling years. During the third and final part of the Indo Scots continuum, setting your child up for success is our aim-no matter which discipline they choose to take.

The curriculum for this section is spiraled down from what is expected of the learner by the respective Educational Board. The curriculum is designed so as to ensure concept clarity along with exam preparation. The assessment pattern from Grade 6 onwards is precisely as recommended by the board from time to time.

Besides focusing on developing strong fundamentals in academics, we also promote physical development and team spirit through sports and creative development through performing arts. We also ensure that a strong focus is maintained on inculcating good moral values rooted in Indian culture with a seamless fusion of international ethos.

Principal’s Message

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

A school plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future. Not only does this include the provision of education and ensuring learning, but moulding the character, morals, and value system of the child as well. A school provides the foundation needed to view the world as a limitless space providing innumerable opportunities to shine. We, at ISGS, strive to provide education that explores, challenges, and grooms every aspect of the child’s personality. While we are determined to provide seamless learning targeted towards excellent academic performance through the incorporation of the latest teaching approaches, we also ensure that we are actively working on the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual training of our children.

Our vision is to facilitate a learning environment where the individual success of each of our learners is celebrated.By promoting an international standard and by ensuring equal opportunities to flourish - we aspire that all our learners develop into sucessful, knowledgeable and caring leaders of the future. We believe that all children can learn and commit to nurturing the potential in each child. We focus on contextual learning based on a constructivist theory of teaching & learning to provide techniques such as problem-solving, learning by doing & inquiry-based learning activities. Our teachers help students to test their ideas, draw conclusions & inferences in a collaborative learning environment which transforms the students to become active participants in the learning process.

Our teachers are professionally equipped to develop adapt and modify curriculum content, pedagogy & assessment which suit the needs and aspirations of our students. We work towards a holistic, experiential, integrated, student-centered educational system that helps to improve the creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills of our young learners to equip them for the ever-changing employment dynamics and global ecosystems. We educate our children to change the world through peace, empathy, and fraternity and place great emphasis on inner values. During the pandemic, we shifted towards soft technology, online webinars, and virtual classrooms. There was an unimaginable collaboration among all the stakeholders in the field of education including administration, teachers, students, and parents for the transfer of knowledge in innovative ways. In this time of crisis, we are focused on a well-rounded and effective educational practice needed for the capacity-building of our children. It will develop skills that will drive their employability, productivity, health, and well-being in the decades to come, and ensure the overall progress of India. Our sincere gratitude to all the stakeholders of ISGS i.e. the management, staff, parents, and students for keeping your trust and belief in the school. We will continue with the spirit of inculcating ethics & ethos in young minds with aplomb and dedication even during this tough time. We look forward to working together to support every child today . Wishing all our students a happy and successful journey of learning!

Dr. Nikita Kothari


Indo Scots Global School