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Director's Message

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Director's Message

“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference”.

I have always pondered over this statement and have realized that it is education that empowers you with the right tools to bring about that difference. However education is not just about the subjects that are taught and learnt in school. And becoming educated is not just passing the grades one after the other or accumulation of degrees and certificates. They say, ‘Never stop learning as life never stops teaching’. We at Indo Scots Global School, Thane, strive to make our students lifelong learners.
In our endeavor to achieve this goal, both school and home in partnership make collaborative efforts to mold each child. Children are like wet cement whatever falls on them makes an impression. Hence utmost care is taken at our end to appoint facilitators who are compassionate and qualified to kindle the light as it is rightly said by W.B. Yeats, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”. They emulate by the school motto: “Ignited Minds Carved to Perfection”.
Aristotle has said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education”. Keeping this in mind even as we imbibe modern pedagogies, practices and technology in education, enough care is taken to inculcate right principles, ethics and moral values.
On the bedrock of our core principles and values we will continue to scale upwards in the coming years to build an international school of repute in the heart of the Thane city.