The aim of education is to help acquire knowledge, skills, develop a strong personality and live a meaningful and healthy life. Also, the main objective of any student is to be able to lead an independent, successful and sustainable life through education. Exams play an important role in the process of learning. Sometimes the pressure of exams may lead to stress. Stress is your response to pressure and, while a small amount of pressure can be useful to keep you focused during exam time, but if it becomes too much, study can seem a difficult task. It is important to remember that success depends on persistent handwork, discipline and dedication. Here are some hands-on tips that will help you change your approach towards exam thus leading to success.
How to reduce stress & prepare for exams:
1. Prepare a study plan and goals for each day / week.
2. Practise one step at a time- set realistic goals.
3. Create a study space that is comfortable, quiet, well lit, organised, and has no distractions nearby, such as a TV, phone, people talking etc.
4. Make sure you have everything you need for each study session as this helps to feel more confident and organised.
5. Self-careis especially important when you have a big demand in your life - that way you have the energy to commit to what you need to accomplish.
6. Take constructive breaks-do activities you enjoy and that can help you cope with stress. Engage in activities such as sports, gardening, dancing etc.
7. Eat nutritional food that keeps you going, such as fruit/nuts/dairy products, etc.
8. Remember to exercise every day as this helps you to be focused and energetic.
9. Relaxation is important so before going to bed you need to slow down brain activity. Try deep breathing, meditation or give positive self-suggestions, visualize a successful event in your life etc.
10.Get a good night's sleep. The importance of sleeping well goes without saying and is a significant factor in recalling the study matter during exam.